Salmon Sprint is out now!

a 2D casual mobile game that you can play whenever and wherever you like.
Available now on iOS and Android

Share your thoughts on Social Media


Let us know how you think about the game anywhere on social media (i.e. twitter, instagram, facebook, threads, youtube) and don’t forget to use our own hashtag #salmonsprint to let others know more about our game.

We really appreciate everyone who downloads, plays, shares, and even acknowledges our Salmon Sprint

Did you get 0 the first time you play?
How fast did you wake the bear up?

We have our secrets to share with you.
Are you ready to learn about our secrets?
After weeks of developing this game, we still, somehow, got 0! It’s not just you, we think it’s us!

Meet Our Team

Alex H.

Software Engineer

Tipanan N.

Graphic Designer

Thomas C.


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